The Discovery Area At Ladybug
Young children have many questions about the world around them. They ask, “Where did the puddle go?” “What do worms eat?” “How can I make my truck go faster?” “Do fish go to sleep?”
In our classroom, the Discovery area is a place where children explore and investigate to answer their questions. They observe, experiment, measure, solve problems, take things apart, and handle the materials and living things we put out. They predict what will happen as a result of their actions.
In the Discovery area children do what scientists do. They ask questions, plan and conduct investigations, gather information, construct explanations, and communicate findings. They also learn important scientific concepts as they study plants, animals, magnets, properties of materials, light, shadows, how things work, rainbows, the human body, our senses, how things move and change, and more. In addition to learning about science content, they learn how to solve problems tighter and how to communicate with others.